Teaches : Science, Social Studies, Options

I have been privileged to work at TMS since February 2017 teaching Grade 8 science and social studies. I love the school, the staff, and the students. Before TMS I taught English at an alternative high school in the States, and I have a HUGE love of reading and literacy.  I am married with four (biological) children, a parrot, two guinea pigs, a cat, and a bunch of dogs. It feels like Calgary Zoo, South Division.  Fish live in my classroom during the school year and at home (adding to the zoo) during the summer.  In my spare time I like to eat, garden, cook, read, eat, watch TV, read/try new recipes, knit, eat, crochet, read, and eat. My favourite book (for middle school) is OK for Now, by Gary D. Schmidt. A runner-up middle school favourite would be A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. I can’t narrow down to a favourite book of all time. 
