
Grades Taught


Message from TMS School Administrators

Tatsikiisaapo'p Middle School (Grade 6-8)

We are excited and very much looking forward to assisting your child on their educational journey. We are excited to work side by side with you in achieving all our students' educational, social, and emotional goals.

TMS is committed to providing your child/children with an educational experience that caters to all students' unique academic needs, along with a rich cultural and language component, and social and emotional wellness.

TMS has an excellent extracurricular sports program, Elder's-in-Residence, student incentives, monthly activities, academic awards, land-based learning, Traditional restorative discipline, a variety of Options classes, and mental health supports to engage students to be successful in their educational endeavours. 

Thank you, Parents/Guardians, for your ongoing support.

Jackie Davis, Principal

Shawna Goodstriker, Associate Principal

District Notice

Friendly Reminder KBE Parents and Kainaiwa Community...

KBE Annual Parent & Staff Conference
“Looking out for our Children”

Date: February 20 & 21, 2025
Location: Saipoyi Community School

CLICK HERE to register